World Heritage Site Application
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) World Heritage program identifies cultural centers and sites considered to have outstanding universal value for world heritage. Ancient Umm el-Jimal was named to the WHS program’s tentative/candidate list in 2001 (reference number 1548) under categories i), iii), and iv) of UNESCO’s inclusion criteria. UNESCO's website also provides a summary of Umm el-Jimal’s initial application.
Current Status
Preparations are underway for a final UNESCO application in collaboration with the Jordanian Department of Antiquities, a national world heritage committee, the Friends of Archaeology of Jordan, and other partners. The application will be submitted for the appropriate UNESCO program deadline. More information will arrive as the process continues.
Site Plan
A key precursor for WHS status is a long term site preservation plan. Development of the plan is already underway by the Umm el-Jimal Project and its partner organizations. For more information, please Contact the project directly.
What is the WHS Program?
The World Heritage Site program is a permanent UNESCO project to identify and help protect major cultural and environmental sites around the world. National bodies with authority for cultural heritage, and related organizations, can apply to the program if sites meet specific WHS criteria.
Empowering Rural Women Project
UNESCO and UN Women are also contributing to Umm el-Jimal's longterm vitality by supporting the community's women's cooperative society, UJWCS.