Flying a kite

Acknowledgments and Special Thanks

The Umm el-Jimal Archaeology Project gratefully dedicates this website to the hundreds of researchers, laborers, students, town residents, and others who have lent their considerable expertise, time, and sweat to make the project successful. Deserving special notice are Sheikh Hail es-Serour and his family, who extended generous hospitality, displayed a serious interest in and contributed to the research, and always assured good relations between the project and the people of the village. See the Field Seasons page for individual recognition by project season.

Project Funders

Many organizations, institutions, and foundations have contributed generously to work at Umm el-Jimal for more than 35 years. Ongoing projects at the site simply would not be possible without the financial support of the following groups.

Ambassador Foundation: 1992, 1993

Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation, US Department of State: 2012, 2014

Archaeological Institute of America: 2010

Australian Research Council (for D. L. Kennedy): 1994

American Schools of Oriental Research: Albright Fellowship, 1972–73

Baker Book House: 1984

Calvin Alumni Association: 1981, 1984, 1992

Calvin College: Faculty Research Fellowships, Student Field Schools, and Off-Campus Interim Program Support

Calvin Foundation: 1972–73, 1974

Dumbarton Oaks: Senior Fellowship, 1985

al-Hima Foundation: 2012–2014

Kyle-Kelso Fund: 1977, 1981, 1984

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH): Summer Grant, 1984

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation's (NORAD) Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) Program: 2015–2018

Norwegian Research Council: Global Moments in the Levant, 2000s

Siyaha, USAID: 2013–2014

UNESCO: 2014

UN Women: 2014

USAID-ACOR SCHEP Program: 2015

Warner-Lambert Foundation: 1990s

Website Citations

Some sections of text on have been adapted from various publications by Bert de Vries and other project staff, and are used by permission of the authors. See the Library page for full citations of works related to the project. Paul Christians is the site's primary developer, with text by Prof. de Vries, Paul, and other project staff.


Site concept, design, and maintenance by Open Hand Studios.

3D and GIS

Bill Soohoo, Jacob Speelman, Jim Kuipers, Madi Goodman and Steven Clemenger create 3D visualizations and reconstructions for the project. Lauren DeVos and Jared Renaud develop the Umm el-Jimal GIS.


Images, drawings, and other graphics are courtesy of the Umm el-Jimal Project and Open Hand Studios, with assistance from David Roukema and Joshua Betts.


Interactives such as the Artifact Exhibit, NE Jordan and Timeline, and Virtual Tour were created by Open Hand Studios.


All video material has been developed, filmed, and produced by Open Hand Studios under direction of Jeff DeKock.